Ports Used by Drill

The table below lists the default ports that Drill uses and provides descriptions for each, as well as the corresponding configuration options. You can modify the configuration options in <drill_home>/conf/drill-override.conf to change the ports that Drill uses. See Start-Up Options for more information.

Default Port Type Configuration Option Description
8047 TCP drill.exec.http.port Needed for the Drill Web UI.
31010 TCP drill.exec.rpc.user.server.port User port address. Used between nodes in a Drill cluster. Needed for an external client, such as Tableau, to connect into the cluster nodes. Also needed for the Drill Web UI.
31011 TCP drill.exec.rpc.bit.server.port Control port address. Used between nodes in a Drill cluster. Needed for multi-node installation of Apache Drill.
31012 TCP drill.exec.rpc.bit.server.port + 1 Data port address. Used between nodes in a Drill cluster. Needed for multi-node installation of Apache Drill.