WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause selects rows based on a boolean expression. Only rows for which the expression evaluates to TRUE are returned in the result.


The WHERE clause supports the following syntax:

   WHERE boolean_expression  


A boolean expression can include one or more of the following operators:

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • Comparison operators
  • Quantified comparison operators


The following query compares order totals where the states are California and New York:

   0: jdbc:drill:> SELECT o1.cust_id, sum(o1.order_total) AS ny_sales,
   (SELECT SUM(o2.order_total) FROM hive.orders o2
   WHERE o1.cust_id=o2.cust_id and state='ca') AS ca_sales
   FROM hive.orders o1 WHERE o1.state='ny' GROUP BY o1.cust_id
   ORDER BY cust_id LIMIT 20;
   |  cust_id   |  ny_sales  |  ca_sales  |
   | 1001       | 72         | 47         |
   | 1002       | 108        | 198        |
   | 1003       | 83         | null       |
   | 1004       | 86         | 210        |
   | 1005       | 168        | 153        |
   | 1006       | 29         | 326        |
   | 1008       | 105        | 168        |
   | 1009       | 443        | 127        |
   | 1010       | 75         | 18         |
   | 1012       | 110        | null       |
   | 1013       | 19         | null       |
   | 1014       | 106        | 162        |
   | 1015       | 220        | 153        |
   | 1016       | 85         | 159        |
   | 1017       | 82         | 56         |
   | 1019       | 37         | 196        |
   | 1020       | 193        | 165        |
   | 1022       | 124        | null       |
   | 1023       | 166        | 149        |
   | 1024       | 233        | null       |

The following query uses a workspace named dfw.views and joins a view named “custview” with a hive table named “orders” to determine sales for each membership type:

   0: jdbc:drill:> select membership, sum(order_total) as sales from hive.orders, custview
   where orders.cust_id=custview.cust_id
   group by membership order by 2;
   | membership |   sales    |
   | "basic"    | 380665     |
   | "silver"   | 708438     |
   | "gold"     | 2787682    |
   3 rows selected